Friday, April 05, 2013

Logging application log to a log file(by File Appender)

To log your application log to a log file by using log4j, you have to go through the following steps:
  1. Download latest jar of log4j.jar and add it to your project classpath.
  2. Create a file inside your source directory to define properties of your logger.
  3. To log your application log to a log file, you need to add the following code in the
    #####     Application Logs to be printed in the log file    #####
    log4j.rootLogger= WARN, FILE_APPENDER
    # test appender  daily rolling logs format
    log4j.appender.FILE_APPENDER.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %5p (%F:%M:%L) - %m%n
    # test appender  daily rolling logs for packages
  5. To know the usage of logger see the below code:
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConfigUtil.class);
    // The below line is called inside static block"Properties file loaded at '" + configLoc + "'");
    protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BasePage.class);
    // The below line is called inside setTimeout() method"The timeout value is set to " + timeoutSeconds + " seconds.");
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DriverManager.class);
    // The below line is called inside static block"Driver location is set to '" + driverLoc + "'");
  6. You will get your application log in the log file(which you have specified in your, in this example i have specified "logs/autoLog.log" file) as shown in the below sample:
    2013-09-05 12:36:04  INFO ( - Properties file loaded at '/Users/aksahu/MySpace/Web_Workspace/KnowledgeBase/config/'
    2013-09-05 12:36:04  INFO ( - The timeout value is set to 60 seconds.
    2013-09-05 12:36:04  INFO ( - Driver location is set to '/Users/aksahu/MySpace/Web_Workspace/CoreDriver/drivers/'
    2013-09-05 12:36:04  INFO ( - initializing 'chrome' driver...
    2013-09-05 12:36:15  INFO ( - Maximizing the browser window.
    2013-09-05 12:36:17  INFO ( - Openning the url '' in the browser...
    2013-09-05 12:36:23  INFO ( - Waiting for page to load...
    2013-09-05 12:36:23  INFO ( - Entering text 'java' to the element specified by id 'searchField'
    2013-09-05 12:36:23  INFO ( - Clicking on the element specified by id 'resultDiv0'
    2013-09-05 12:36:23  INFO ( - Waiting for the element specified by xpath '//a[contains(text(),'[Go to page]')]'
    2013-09-05 12:36:23  INFO ( - Clicking on the element specified by xpath '//a[contains(text(),'[Go to page]')]'
    2013-09-05 12:36:24  INFO ( - Waiting for page to load...
    2013-09-05 12:36:24  INFO ( - Checking for the text 'Installing Java' in the page
    2013-09-05 12:36:24  INFO ( - Checking for the text 'java' in the page
    2013-09-05 12:36:24  INFO ( - Closing all the instances of the browser 'chrome'

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