Monday, August 01, 2016

Selenium 3(beta) Released!

Selenium 3.0 would be a widely used tool for user-focused automation of mobile and web apps, is expected to be released by Christmas, 2016.

Please watch the video by Simon Stewart, the Selenium project lead and inventor of WebDriver for more details , at

Selenium 3 beta released
The beta version of selenium 3 is now released. You can download from

* Minimum java version is now 8+
* The original RC APIs are only available via the leg-rc package.
* To run exported IDE tests, ensure that the leg-rc package is on the classpath.
* Support for Firefox is via Mozilla's geckodriver. You may download this from
* Support for Safari is provided on macOS (Sierra or later) via Apple's own safaridriver.
* Support for Edge is provided by MS: 
* Official support for IE requires version 9 or above. Earlier versions may work, but are no longer supported as MS has end-of-lifed them.
Other major changes: 
* New html-table runner backed by WebDriver.
* Unused command line arguments are now no longer parsed.

Check below link for the latest updates

Keep on watching the official website for latest updates at

Thank you!