Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Ant task for ReportNG report

This is same like testng report, and also it uses "testng" task to execute the tests, just the difference is we need to specify a listener to it in its "listener" attribute.
This task also executes all the tests with group "alltests" and places the report in the "reprots.reportng" directory specified in the ant property.

Here in my example i have used custom listener to customize the report in com.myorg.core.util.GenericReportNGListener class, you can use the default listener by setting useDefaultListeners="true" as attribute of above testng task. You can give title to your ReportNG report in the ant task like here i gave "All Page Tests". This title will be shown in the report.

A ReportNG report looks like as below:

 The overview of the report looks something like this: