Monday, September 19, 2016

How to fix INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS error while installing apk in Genymotion

Genymotion is a faster android emulator(Virtual Android Environment) built on x86 and Virtualbox. Its performance is much better than the Google's Android SDK Emulator as it is not an ARM emulator.

However in the latest Genymotion updates, they have removed both the ARM Translation and Google Play Apps. So, when you are trying to install an app which has native libraries but doesn't have a native library for your CUP architecture. For example, if an app is compiled for armv7 and we try to install it on the emulator that uses the Intel architecture instead, it will not work and will give you an error INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS .

To make the app to work in both the CPU architectures, we need to install the ARM Translation.
Steps for installation:
  1. Download the ARM Translation from the link
  2. Open the Genymotion emulator and be in the home screen
  3. Install the downloaded ARM Translation. To installed just you need to drag and drop the zip file in the Genymotion emulator window. Click 'Ok' if it prompts after the 'file transfer in progress' operation
  4. Restart the Genymotion emulator(using adb or close and open)
Now install the application(by using adb or just drag and drop the apk into the emulator window), you shouldn't see any error such as INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS and the application should be installed successfully.

Hope it helps!

Monday, August 01, 2016

Selenium 3(beta) Released!

Selenium 3.0 would be a widely used tool for user-focused automation of mobile and web apps, is expected to be released by Christmas, 2016.

Please watch the video by Simon Stewart, the Selenium project lead and inventor of WebDriver for more details , at

Selenium 3 beta released
The beta version of selenium 3 is now released. You can download from

* Minimum java version is now 8+
* The original RC APIs are only available via the leg-rc package.
* To run exported IDE tests, ensure that the leg-rc package is on the classpath.
* Support for Firefox is via Mozilla's geckodriver. You may download this from
* Support for Safari is provided on macOS (Sierra or later) via Apple's own safaridriver.
* Support for Edge is provided by MS: 
* Official support for IE requires version 9 or above. Earlier versions may work, but are no longer supported as MS has end-of-lifed them.
Other major changes: 
* New html-table runner backed by WebDriver.
* Unused command line arguments are now no longer parsed.

Check below link for the latest updates

Keep on watching the official website for latest updates at

Thank you!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Regular expressions in test automation

In many of the test scenarios, we need to validate the UI text where the text or partial of it is dynamic. In such cases, we need to use regular expressions to validate the text. Below are few example which can help you.

Example - 1
Suppose you want to validate a pattern 'CHICAGO, IL 60603 (1 mi)'. Where 'CHICAGO, IL' is the location and it follows with a zip and in braces single digit indicating distance in miles. If in this string the location string is as per the preferences or settings that you have made in your application and other part of the string you need to validate, you can write a regular expression as below:
public static boolean validateLocation(String location, 
                             String locationWithZipAndDistance) {
 String locationPattern = location + " [0-9]{5} \\([0-9]{1} mi\\)";
 // e.g. CHICAGO, IL 60603 (1 mi)
 // where value of 'location' is 'CHICAGO, IL'
 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(locationPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(locationWithZipAndDistance);
 return matcher.matches();
String searchLocation = "CHICAGO, IL 60603 (1 mi)";
String location = "CHICAGO, IL";
System.out.println(validateLocation(searchLocation, location));// output: true
In the above example it will return true if the input string is in either case as it has compiled with CASE_INSENSITIVE pattern.

Example - 2
If you want to validate a phone number text in the UI with a certain format, for example '(866) 825-3227' then you can use below regular expression
public static boolean validatePhone(String phone) {
 String phonePattern = "\\([0-9]{3}\\) [0-9]{3}\\-[0-9]{4}";
 // e.g. (866) 825-3227
 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(phonePattern);
 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(phone);
 return matcher.matches();
String ph = "(866) 825-3227";
System.out.println(validatePhone(ph));// output: true
Lets assume you are validating some string with days and time, example 'Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM', you can use the regular expression in the following way
public static boolean validateOfficehours(String officeHours) {
 String officeHourPattern = "(?:Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat) - (?:Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat): (?:([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2} (?:AM|PM) - [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2} (?:AM|PM))|Closed)";
 // e.g. Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM
 // e.g. Sat - Sun: Closed
 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(officeHourPattern);
 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(officeHours);
 return matcher.matches();
String officeHoursWeekday = "Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM";
String officeHoursWeekend = "Sat - Sun: Closed";
System.out.println(validateOfficehours(officeHoursWeekday));// output: true
System.out.println(validateOfficehours(officeHoursWeekend));// output: true
These are very basic scenarios, using these you can validate maximum of the dynamic texts. Feel free to ask me if you face any different scenarios which need my help.
For more information, please refer here and also you can check the Pattern class for other available functionalities.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Checking if android emulator or device is running

We can check if an android device or an emulator is attached(plugged in) or running before we start using the attached device.

Command line:
We can check the following command to check list of attached devices
adb devices
The above command will provide you the list of attached devices.
Example output,
List of devices attached device
emulator-5554 device 
We can do this check programmatically also as below
private static String sdkPath = "/Applications/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/";
private static String adbPath = sdkPath + "platform-tools" + File.separator + "adb";
 * Checks if an emulator or a device is already launched or plugged in
 * Example: 

 * List of devices attached 

 * device 

 * emulator-5554 device
 * @return
public static boolean isEmulatorOrDeviceRunning() {

 try {
  String[] commandDevices = new String[] { adbPath, "devices" };
  Process process = new ProcessBuilder(commandDevices).start();

  BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

  String output = "";
  String line = null;
  while ((line = inputStream.readLine()) != null) {
   output = output + line;
  if (!output.replace("List of devices attached", "").trim().equals("")) {
   return true;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 return false;
If the device or emulator is just plugged in or launched, it may not be ready though its running, so wait till it gets ready by the post Waiting for android emulator to be ready

Waiting for android emulator to be ready

When we start android emulator(or is already running), we need to ensure its ready for testing and is responding. 

Command line:
This can be ensured by following commands:
adb shell getprop dev.bootcomplete 
We need to wait for the above command till it returns 1
adb shell getprop sys_bootcomplete 
We need to wait for the above command till it returns 1
adb shell getprop init.svc.bootanim
We need to wait for the above command till it returns "stopped"
Note: 1st and 3rd commands are important to check. Maximum case 2nd command will be ready.

Also can be done programmatically,
private static String sdkPath = "/Applications/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/";
private static String adbPath = sdkPath + "platform-tools" + File.separator + "adb";
 * Waits for the emulator to be ready
public static void waitForEmulatorToBeReady() {
 try {
  String[] commandBootComplete = new String[] { adbPath, "shell", "getprop", "dev.bootcomplete" };
  Process process = new ProcessBuilder(commandBootComplete).start();
  BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

  // wait till the property returns '1'
  while (!inputStream.readLine().equals("1")) {
   process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
   process = new ProcessBuilder(commandBootComplete).start();
   inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

  String[] commandBootAnim = new String[] { adbPath, "shell", "getprop", "init.svc.bootanim" };
  process = new ProcessBuilder(commandBootAnim).start();
  inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

  // wait till the property returns 'stopped'
  while (!inputStream.readLine().equals("stopped")) {
   process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
   process = new ProcessBuilder(commandBootAnim).start();
   inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

  System.out.println("Emulator is ready to use!");
 } catch (Exception e) {
You can ensure if an emulator or device is already running before using the above method or commands by the post Checking if android emulator or device is running

Stop or kill android emulator programmatically and from command line

If you are looking for starting(or launching) android emulator from command line or programmatically, please refer my post start or launch android emulator programmatically and from command line
Sometimes we need to stop our running emulator(s) to start a new emulator or to execute tests in a real devices or because of some other situation. To stop a running android emulator we can do by following ways:

Manually stop emulator:
Open the running emulator > click on the close button(red cross icon in the top menu bar). The emulator should be closed.

Stop emulator from command line:
Use the following command to kill all running emulators.
adb emu kill
Stop emulator programmatically:
We can close emulators programmatically also. The following code will close all the running emulators.
private static String sdkPath = "/Applications/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/";
private static String adbPath = sdkPath + "platform-tools" + File.separator + "adb";
 * Kills all running emulators
public static void closeEmulator() {
 System.out.println("Killing emulator...");
 String[] aCommand = new String[] { adbPath, "emu", "kill" };
 try {
  Process process = new ProcessBuilder(aCommand).start();
  process.waitFor(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  System.out.println("Emulator closed successfully!");
 } catch (Exception e) {
Hope it helps!

Start or launch android emulator programmatically and from command line

For executing android tests in android emulator(AVD), we need to start it and ensure its running before our test starts executing. This post will explain you how can we start android emulator from code and from command line(mainly these will be helpful when we configure our test execution jobs in CI tools like Jenkins)

Manually launching emulator:
This can be easily opened from the IDE(eclipse if you are using adt bundle)
Open eclipse > select menu "Windows" > Select "Android Virtual Device Manager" >  select the AVD you want to launch(create an AVD if not yet created) > Click on "Start..." button > Click "Launch" button to launch the emulator > The emulator will launch in a moment

Launching emulator from command line:
The following command will launch the android emulator. Please ensure you have SDK installed and path has set.
emulator -avd <avd_name>
For example,
emulator -avd AVD_for_Nexus_4_by_Google
You can start with many options, for more information please refer here.

Launching emulator programmatically:
You can achieve this in code too. You can execute this script using ProcessBuilder class in java as below.
private static String sdkPath = "/Applications/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/";// or for windows D:/Android/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702/sdk/
private static String adbPath = sdkPath + "platform-tools" + File.separator + "adb";
private static String emulatorPath = sdkPath + "tools" + File.separator + "emulator";
Please make sure to change the value of "sdkPath" variable to your SDK installation directory.
The following code will start an emulator with the provided AVD name.
 * Starts an emulator for the provided AVD name
 * @param nameOfAVD
public static void launchEmulator(String nameOfAVD) {
 System.out.println("Starting emulator for '" + nameOfAVD + "' ...");
 String[] aCommand = new String[] { emulatorPath, "-avd", nameOfAVD };
 try {
  Process process = new ProcessBuilder(aCommand).start();
  process.waitFor(180, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  System.out.println("Emulator launched successfully!");
 } catch (Exception e) {
The 3 minute(180 sec) wait in the above code is to wait for the emulator which can be decreased or increased depending upon your system performance. 

If you want to stop or kill your running emulator, please refer my post Stop or kill android emulator programmatically and from command line