There are multiple strategies for hiding the keyboard:
Method -1
There is a direct method available in AndroidDriver (or if you are using appium for mobile test automation, this method is availale in AppiumDriver too)
For example,
You can hide soft keyboard completely(or only for some test specific) by passing the following property to the desired capabilities as below:
You can hide by clicking different android keys like "Done" or "Back". Here is an example of hiding soft keyboard using BACK key.
You can go back by using following code, which will hide your soft keyboard
You may try the below if it works for you. In some cases this doesn't work well.
If you have android application code base integrated with your android test base, you can use the below code which will perform based on your current activity.
Method -1
There is a direct method available in AndroidDriver (or if you are using appium for mobile test automation, this method is availale in AppiumDriver too)
For example,
AndroidDriver<WebElement> driver = new AndroidDriver<WebElement>( new URL(""), capabilities); driver.hideKeyboard();
You can hide soft keyboard completely(or only for some test specific) by passing the following property to the desired capabilities as below:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setCapability("unicodeKeyboard", "true");
You can hide by clicking different android keys like "Done" or "Back". Here is an example of hiding soft keyboard using BACK key.
driver.pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.BACK);In some older versions of AndroidDriver you can find below method
((AndroidDriver) driver).sendKeyEvent(AndroidKeyCode.BACK);
You can go back by using following code, which will hide your soft keyboard
driver.navigate().back();This you need to call only after entering text into edit field. For some views or activities, it may go back to the previous activity.
You may try the below if it works for you. In some cases this doesn't work well.
HashMap keycode = new HashMap(); keycode.put("keycode", 4); ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("mobile: keyevent", keycode);Method-6
If you have android application code base integrated with your android test base, you can use the below code which will perform based on your current activity.
public void hideSoftKeyboard(Activity activity) { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0); }